Lowcountry and works to promote homeownership through networking, education, advocacy and community outreach. The association continues to provide members with the ability to ethically and efficiently provide local communities with safe, quality and affordable housing. CHBA members consist of residential contractors, remodelers and developers, in addition to members representing all professions that support the homebuilding industry. The CHBA is affiliated with the National Association of Home Builders and the Home Builders Association of South Carolina.
Read homeowners reviews before hiring the School or Organization to help with your project in North Charleston. If you have questions, read other homeowners’ reviews or our discussion forum for a second opinion. A recent survey sheds light on the most in-demand features, and a show-stopping remodel provides the perfect example of what today's home owners want.... As the country continues to grapple with housing affordability amid supply-chain challenges and lack of labor, factory-built homes may be more in need...
Tickets for “The Book of Mormon” at the North Charleston PAC Go On Sale December 12th
National Association of Home Builders is one of the largest trade associations in the nation offering many programs, business products and services. The Charleston HBA is an advocate on behalf of members, actively working to elect pro-housing, pro-building candidates to public office and keeping members updated about changing rules and regulations that affect the home building industry. The Charleston Home Builders Association is a 501c-6 non-profit organization working to promote homeownership in the greater Charleston, SC area through networking, education, advocacy and community outreach. Home Builders Association of WV offers a range of services and supports critical activities for all builders and members. When you join your local, you automatically become a member of the HBAWV and the National Association of Home Builders , making you a part of a 140,000 member association of industry professionals just like you. The CHBA and its Board of Directors work with organizations, including the government, to promote and protect homeownership.
With over 1 million home professionals on Houzz, you’ll easily find the trusted School or Organization for your next project in North Charleston, SC. Local association can assist with many problems and offer the opportunity to increase business. 2022 President, Brett Miller of New Leaf Builders, will outline the Association’s annual goals to protect private property rights, promote housing affordability, and expand workforce development programs. Also, Board of Directors Life Member Andy Barber of Generation Homes will be recognized for his induction to the South Carolina Housing Hall of Fame. Coming off the 2022 midterm election results, BUILD-PAC is already in full swing to support industry champions for 2024.
Read homeowners reviews before hiring the School or Organization to help with your project in North Charleston. If you have questions, read other homeowners’ reviews or our discussion forum for a second opinion. A recent survey sheds light on the most in-demand features, and a show-stopping remodel provides the perfect example of what today's home owners want.... As the country continues to grapple with housing affordability amid supply-chain challenges and lack of labor, factory-built homes may be more in need...
National Association of Home Builders is one of the largest trade associations in the nation offering many programs, business products and services. The Charleston HBA is an advocate on behalf of members, actively working to elect pro-housing, pro-building candidates to public office and keeping members updated about changing rules and regulations that affect the home building industry. The Charleston Home Builders Association is a 501c-6 non-profit organization working to promote homeownership in the greater Charleston, SC area through networking, education, advocacy and community outreach. Home Builders Association of WV offers a range of services and supports critical activities for all builders and members. When you join your local, you automatically become a member of the HBAWV and the National Association of Home Builders , making you a part of a 140,000 member association of industry professionals just like you. The CHBA and its Board of Directors work with organizations, including the government, to promote and protect homeownership.
With over 1 million home professionals on Houzz, you’ll easily find the trusted School or Organization for your next project in North Charleston, SC. Local association can assist with many problems and offer the opportunity to increase business. 2022 President, Brett Miller of New Leaf Builders, will outline the Association’s annual goals to protect private property rights, promote housing affordability, and expand workforce development programs. Also, Board of Directors Life Member Andy Barber of Generation Homes will be recognized for his induction to the South Carolina Housing Hall of Fame. Coming off the 2022 midterm election results, BUILD-PAC is already in full swing to support industry champions for 2024.
Lowcountry and works to promote homeownership through networking, education, advocacy and community outreach. The association continues to provide members with the ability to ethically and efficiently provide local communities with safe, quality and affordable housing. CHBA members consist of residential contractors, remodelers and developers, in addition to members representing all professions that support the homebuilding industry. The CHBA is affiliated with the National Association of Home Builders and the Home Builders Association of South Carolina.
A Chapter 7 bankruptcy will stay on your credit report for 10 years, while a Chapter 13 bankruptcy will stick around for 7 years. Once you feel confident with your budgeting and savings, consider opening a credit card. That way, youll build back up your credit without building back up your debt. It is backed by the money you have in savings, so if for some reason you fail to pay, the creditor will draw from the savings account and reduce your credit limit. This also means that under your Chapter 13 plan you won’t have to make up payments missed on your second or third mortgages. And because you’re no longer making current payments on the second or third mortgage, the total amount you pay each month will be reduced by a considerable amount.
In place that permanently exclude you from getting a certain type of loan because you’ve gone through a bankruptcy. As long as you meet the appropriate waiting period discussed above, you’re free to apply for any type of loan after a bankruptcy. But you can qualify for some types of mortgage loans much easier than others. “That will require establishing good credit habits and ensuring that you’re not over-utilizing credit,” says Puricelli.
VA Loans
Depending on the type of mortgage, many filers only wait 2-4 years to buy a house after Chapter 7 bankruptcy. To qualify for an FHA loan during Chapter 13, you need to be at least 12 months into your repayment plan. In addition, the bankruptcy court or bankruptcy attorney needs to give written permission for you to take out a new mortgage loan. Loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration are designed for those with a history of poor credit. Should you meet the criteria to apply for an FHA-insured loan, the waiting period imposed on Chapter 7 debtors is two years. For someone who has filed for bankruptcy, this might mean that your credit in the years following the bankruptcy has been spotless, in order to make up for the time when it was poor.
It can also help to ask people in your life to write you letters of recommendation. A current landlord, a boss, and well-respected members of your community can all be good references if they’re willing to attest to your responsibility as a renter. When you’re ready to apply for a rental, start by writing a letter that explains your situation in the best terms to prospective landlords. Never overpay for car insurance Jerry automatically shops for your insurance before every renewal. Then, gather your materials and reach out to a lender for preapproval. Once you have a preapproval letter in hand, you can start viewing properties.
Buying a House After Bankruptcy Is Possible: Here’s How
Chapter 13 plans typically last three to five years, and the court will enter your discharge upon successful completion of all plan payments. If you stop making your Chapter 13 plan payments, the court will typically dismiss your bankruptcy. Unsecured debts are those that have no collateral, such as credit card debt. The bankruptcy court will look at the debtors disposable income in deciding how much money unsecured creditors should get.
These bans, or seasoning periods, are typically shorter with government-backed loans than with conventional loans. A bankruptcy attorney can help determine if Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 makes the most sense for your specific situation. Unfortunately, both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies will adversely affect credit scores. And yes, many go on to become first-time home buyers or buy a home eventually, despite the challenging credit score that results from bankruptcy. Being aware of what a lender expects after a bankruptcy will help you navigate the mortgage application process efficiently and effectively. Talk to several lenders about your circumstances to learn when you qualify to apply for a loan following a Chapter 13 discharge or dismissal.
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You can spend your money on necessary items, but frivolities are hard to come by, and if you want to finance a purchase, you need court permission. Filers who fail to complete the plan may have their bankruptcy dismissed. They probably still owe their creditors and will have to wait at least 4 years from the dismissal date before they can apply for conventional financing. You should include details about the circumstances that led you to file and how your financial situation has changed.
If one lender doesn’t approve you because of your Chapter 13, but you’re past the 12-month mark and meet loan requirements, try again with a different mortgage company. If you successfully complete your repayment plan and get a Chapter 13 discharge, there is no waiting period for an FHA loan. However, your loan will be referred for manual review by an underwriter unless it’s been two years since the discharge date.
All of the owners assets are transferred to the possession of the bankruptcy trustee, who is appointed by the court. The trustee is responsible for the sale and disposition of all assets and the owner is no longer involved in the negotiations for the sale of their home. Well talk more about buying homes out of Chapter 7, as that is where the process differs wildly from a regular transaction. As mentioned earlier, VA and FHA guidelines on qualifying for a mortgage during Chapter 13 Bankruptcy repayment plan is almost identical with the exception of the down payment. All FHA and/or VA loans during Chapter 13 Bankruptcy need to be manually underwritten. Manual underwriting is similar to automated underwriting system approval except there is lower debt to income ratio cap.
They will deny the loan unless it gets an “approved status” from a computerized underwriting system. Because of this, many lenders require a waiting period of two years from the discharge date in practice. Technically, you’re still eligible for any type of mortgage after filing for bankruptcy.
Non-QM loans one day out of bankruptcy and/or foreclosure has no waiting period after bankruptcy and/or foreclosure with a 30% down payment. However, non-QM mortgage and alternative loan programs do not allow mortgage loan approvals during Chapter 13 Bankruptcy repayment plan. Your credit reports and scores will need to demonstrate to lenders that you’ve been able to manage credit responsibly since your bankruptcy. By making required monthly payments on time, paying down remaining debts and limiting new debt, you’ll be able to rebuild your credit score and establish a positive credit history.
Government-backed loans are more readily available than conventional loans for people with a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Dismissal is when you petitioned to be allowed to enter bankruptcy but the court determined you did not qualify. Discharge is when the court orders that all your debts be forgiven and can happen approximately four months after filing for Chapter 7. You may need to wait between two to four years, though, depending on the type of bankruptcy you had and the loan you want. Once the repayment period is over, you will likely receive a discharge of some of your debts. Obtaining a discharge in Chapter 13 bankruptcy will not eliminate all debts.
In addition, any down payment or cash closing costs requirement can be tricky. If you are not selling a home to get the funds for a down payment, the source of the money will be heavily scrutinized by your bankruptcy trustee. If you saved this amount while within Chapter 13, the trustee may decide that you have sufficient income to increase your monthly Chapter 13 payments.
However, you can ask the court to either waive your fee or let you pay with monthly installments. You’ll also have to take debtor education courses if you file on your own. To fulfill the terms of the plan, the debtor must make all payments on time and cant take on new debts without the courts approval. During Chapter 13 bankruptcy, it is possible for a debtor to incur secured debt, including a new home mortgage. In order to purchase a house during Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the debtor must first get permission from the bankruptcy trustee and court to approve their Motion to Incur Debt.
Government-backed loans are more readily available than conventional loans for people with a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Dismissal is when you petitioned to be allowed to enter bankruptcy but the court determined you did not qualify. Discharge is when the court orders that all your debts be forgiven and can happen approximately four months after filing for Chapter 7. You may need to wait between two to four years, though, depending on the type of bankruptcy you had and the loan you want. Once the repayment period is over, you will likely receive a discharge of some of your debts. Obtaining a discharge in Chapter 13 bankruptcy will not eliminate all debts.
An example of such a secured creditor would be a car loan company where the collateral is the car. Losing assets you wish to keep to a secured creditor in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is also rare. Most people that file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy lose nothing but their obligation to pay the discharged debt.
Conventional loans require a longer wait
Most lenders are easier on applicants who file for Chapter 13 than those who file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. That’s because Chapter 13 filers have made an effort to repay at least some part of their unsecured debts, including credit cards and medical bills. It’s natural to wonder whether you’ll be able to rent or buy a home when you’re faced with filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. After all, everyone has to livesomewhere—even those who turn to the court system for help with handling their debts. Applying for bankruptcy will affect your credit history for years to come and can make getting approved for housing a challenge. But will Chapter 13 bankruptcy quash your chances of ever renting or owning again?
Mortgage lenders don’t discriminate against buyers with bankruptcy. Instead, lenders are interested in the bankruptcy circumstances and how the buyer has managed credit since discharge. It discusses the different mortgages, how long after bankruptcy you can buy a home, and the fastest ways to improve your credit to expedite your approval. Roughly 1% of U.S. households file for bankruptcy each year, and many will be eligible to buy a home within 2 years of their bankruptcy discharge. Before you can be approved for a VA-backed loan after filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you will have to wait at least one year from your filing date. VA. VA guidelines describe extenuating circumstances as things like unemployment, a prolonged labor strike or medical bills not covered by insurance.
How the Process Works
After Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you’ll have to wait between 2 to 4 years after your dismissal or discharge date. For Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you may be able to apply immediately after your bankruptcy is dismissed or discharged. However, to receive a conventional loan, you’ll have to wait for 2 years. The court will consider the mortgage payment versus your current rent payment to determine whether or not the new mortgage makes financial sense for you.
Its much tougher to get a conforming loan after Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Let’s now take a look at what steps you need to follow when applying for a loan. Develop good financial habits and review your credit report often. You can get pre-approved with Homebuyer in just three minutes. Here are five mainstream mortgage programs for buyers with a recent Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. With a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, your credit isn’t affected as much as Chapter 7, which stays on a credit report for seven years.
At&t Bankruptcy Department
A nonprofit credit counselor can sit down with you and go over budgets and ways to approach buying a home after bankruptcy. A financial professional can offer credit counseling or help inimproving your credit score. The biggest difficulty will be the impact of bankruptcy on your credit score.
HUD requires borrowers to wait at least 12 months from the beginning of the chapter 13 bankruptcy pay-out period before qualifying for a mortgage. HUD also requires borrowers to get written permission from the bankruptcy court to get a mortgage. You will also have to wait until your credit score has recovered enough for you to qualify for a mortgage. From there, you make payments on your account and pay off your debt each month.
As we have shown, some have waiting periods, and some of those waiting periods are longer than others. If you meet that waiting period and believe you qualify, you can apply for any loan. The first step in qualifying for a home loan after bankruptcy is to have the bankruptcy judge discharge your case. Then comes the patience test, and the timeframe is determined by the type of bankruptcy you have and the type of loan you desire. If your credit isn’t good enough to qualify for other types of loans, a secured loan might be just the thing you need. Secured loans alleviate some of the risks of lending by putting up your possessions as collateral.
All mortgage borrowers should shop for their best interest rate. You’re not just shopping for a good deal; you’re shopping for a lender that’s willing to approve you. Like FHA loans, VA and USDA loans are backed by the federal government.
What Are Alternatives To Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
However, some loan types restrict who can gift you money, so you’ll have to double-check with your lender. If you qualify, you can use your VA loan to either purchase property as your primary residence or refinance your existing mortgage. A mortgage pre-approval is like a dry-run of the mortgage process. This pre-approval will prepare you for a mortgage by helping you build a budget, show you rates, and check your credit score.
But that doesn’t necessarily have to stop you from moving forward with your plans. When you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, your home becomes part of the bankruptcy estate. Nonetheless, you can still retain your property and live there. Here’s a look at buying a house while in Chapter 13 and how the process works. Sometimes your lender may need to reach out to you to inquire about credit reports.
Our website’s property search tool will help you match your needs with the right real estate listing. Find homes for sale by property type—condos, single-family homes, and townhouses. Narrow your search even further by price, square footage, bedrooms, and bathrooms. Our database will show you the most up-to-date property information like listing prices, color photos, home details, school data and neighborhood facts.
You never need to go it alone with one of our real estate pros to guide you through your journey. One of the most desirable locations in Maine, just 25 minutes from Portland and the Kittery Outlets, Wells is even more attractive these days thanks to the recent addition of a local stop on the Amtrak system. Travel to and from Boston, Hartford and Providence has never been easier, making it an ideal choice for seasonal, weekend or year-round living.
Community of Wells
There are 80 active homes for sale in Wells, ME, which spend an average of 36 days on the market. Some of the hottest neighborhoods near Wells, ME are Rosemont, Downtown Portland, Riverton, Nasons Corner, Broadview Park. You may also be interested in single family homes and condo/townhomes for sale in popular zip codes like 04090, 03909, or three bedroom homes for sale in neighboring cities, such as York, Kennebunk, Sanford, Rochester, Dover.
This town, nestled in the center of York County, is known for its lively, four seasons, downtown. Residents are proud of their community spirit and family friendly environment. Many convenient services are practically at your doorstep in Sanford, including the local hospital and the University of Southern Maine's Springvale campus. Just beyond the local area, you'll also find tranquil lakes, quaint seacoast towns, an Amtrak station in nearby Wells and a commuter friendly, 45 minute drive to Portland or Portsmouth. Community expertise is the hallmark of your Sanford experience.
J M House & Home Realty
These real estate agents can help you through your real estate process in Wells and provide you with local insights. Homes for sale in Norway, ME have a median listing home price of $236,500. There are 21 active homes for sale in Norway, ME. Some of the hottest neighborhoods near Norway, ME are North Deering, West End, East End, Riverton, Rosemont. You may also be interested in single family homes and condo/townhomes for sale in popular zip codes like 04268, 04009, or three bedroom homes for sale in neighboring cities, such as Lewiston, Auburn, Bridgton, Oxford, Casco. If you're an experienced real estate agent with a proven track record of success, you can take your business to the next level with our business-building technology, support, and tools.
The Masiello Group's real estate agents have assisted with many Habitat for Humanity building projects in the past and were eager to lend a hand with the Wells ReStore pick-up. Making DIY stocking stuffers is a great way to show your love this holiday season. If you do use any of the ideas above, let us know what you think! And don't hesitate to contact us if you're still looking for a new home. Our real estate agents are focused on our local communities and know what it takes to sell your home for the most money in the least amount of time.
Wells, ME Residential Properties
Our team of real estate agents makes finding a home in our neighborhoods easy. Not only do we work in our local communities, we live here too. We know the right people and have the right connections to find you the right home at the right price. The first step in the sale of your home is to understand what your home could be worth. Connect with a Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate agent near you.
Our staff averages 15 years of experience and we're well acquainted with local zoning and codes to further ease your real estate transaction. Browse the latest local real estate listings with The Masiello Group. Our website offers the most comprehensive real estate information about homes for sale and real estate. Homes for sale in Wells, ME have a median listing home price of $392,500.
With an account, you will get email notifications about new MLS listings to make the process more efficient. Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate is committed to providing you a better overall service experience before, during and after the home buying process. At The Masiello Group's Sanford office, buyers and sellers alike will enjoy a wonderful one stop experience for all their commercial investment needs. We're also ready to handle every type of transaction for you, from a variety of investment options to land development opportunities.
Stocking stuffers, in particular, can be so much fun to give and receive. These gifts can be quite meaningful, even if they are not large or expensive. You can stuff them in a stocking or even fill a gift basket with them.
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Sign upfor a free online account and personalize your MLS search to find your dream home. Connect to a local Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate affiliated agent who can help you throughout the home buying process. Search the newest and complete set of MLS listings to find homes for sale.
To make your own painted pencils, start with a standard orange pencil from an office supply store. Use a small paintbrush and acrylic paint to paint the pencil a solid color. Then, dip a toothpick in a different color of paint, and use that toothpick to make dots, streaks, or stripes on the painted pencil. You can even paint the recipient's name or the phrase "happy holidays" on the pencil.
Maine Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Real Estate Brokers
Our affiliated agents are inspired to uphold the trusted reputation of the Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate brand through their local knowledge, dedication to service and responsiveness. Whether you are buying or selling a home, you can expect a better service experience with Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate agents before, during and after the transaction. Search for local real estate professionals in the areas we serve.
Right now, there are 109 homes listed for sale in Wells, including 19 condos and 0 foreclosures. You can research home values, browse Wells's hottest homes, and see what Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate's agents have to say about the local... Staging your house, pricing it right, sealing the deal, and moving to your new home. You can trust our real estate pros to guide you through every step of the selling process. The structure at 1465 Post Road was built in 1920 and has been home to The Masiello Group's real estate office since 2005. Over the years, the building began to show its age and so, with heavy hearts the Masiello team came to realize that the building was beyond repair.
We have REALTORS® in Wells and the surrounding real estate markets. Submit questions about specific homes, schedule a showing or communicate with a real estate agent directly—all online. Please contact us, and we will help you buy or sell a house, or assist in any of your real estate needs. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate brokers in Maine will help you find all homes for sale in local markets in Maine. See where Maine Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate broker offices are located and learn about homes for sales in areas Maine Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate brokers serve. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate estimates the median home price in Wells is $613,700.
If you find yourself running short on stocking stuffer ideas, consider taking a DIY approach. Here are a few DIY stocking stuffer ideas to spark your creativity. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. We had no idea what was involved and he has been there for us every step of the way. Buying a home-especially your first home-can be filled with twists and turns.
There are 80 active homes for sale in Wells, ME, which spend an average of 36 days on the market. Some of the hottest neighborhoods near Wells, ME are Rosemont, Downtown Portland, Riverton, Nasons Corner, Broadview Park. You may also be interested in single family homes and condo/townhomes for sale in popular zip codes like 04090, 03909, or three bedroom homes for sale in neighboring cities, such as York, Kennebunk, Sanford, Rochester, Dover.
Use our website or our convenient mobile app to define your own Wells real estate search criteria and filter homes by price, size, number of bedrooms, and much more. Try our keyword search feature to find the home that meets your needs. Get to know the neighborhood you're interested in with interactive maps, photos, schools, and more. You'll also be able to search for local Wells real estate agents when you're ready - and read agent reviews written by real estate clients.
Customize Your Home Search
Our staff averages 15 years of experience and we're well acquainted with local zoning and codes to further ease your real estate transaction. Browse the latest local real estate listings with The Masiello Group. Our website offers the most comprehensive real estate information about homes for sale and real estate. Homes for sale in Wells, ME have a median listing home price of $392,500.
Our affiliated agents are inspired to uphold the trusted reputation of the Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate brand through their local knowledge, dedication to service and responsiveness. Whether you are buying or selling a home, you can expect a better service experience with Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate agents before, during and after the transaction. Search for local real estate professionals in the areas we serve.
Hobbs Farm Road
These real estate agents can help you through your real estate process in Wells and provide you with local insights. Homes for sale in Norway, ME have a median listing home price of $236,500. There are 21 active homes for sale in Norway, ME. Some of the hottest neighborhoods near Norway, ME are North Deering, West End, East End, Riverton, Rosemont. You may also be interested in single family homes and condo/townhomes for sale in popular zip codes like 04268, 04009, or three bedroom homes for sale in neighboring cities, such as Lewiston, Auburn, Bridgton, Oxford, Casco. If you're an experienced real estate agent with a proven track record of success, you can take your business to the next level with our business-building technology, support, and tools.
To make your own painted pencils, start with a standard orange pencil from an office supply store. Use a small paintbrush and acrylic paint to paint the pencil a solid color. Then, dip a toothpick in a different color of paint, and use that toothpick to make dots, streaks, or stripes on the painted pencil. You can even paint the recipient's name or the phrase "happy holidays" on the pencil.
Wells, Maine Office Featured Properties
We have REALTORS® in Wells and the surrounding real estate markets. Submit questions about specific homes, schedule a showing or communicate with a real estate agent directly—all online. Please contact us, and we will help you buy or sell a house, or assist in any of your real estate needs. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate brokers in Maine will help you find all homes for sale in local markets in Maine. See where Maine Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate broker offices are located and learn about homes for sales in areas Maine Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate brokers serve. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate estimates the median home price in Wells is $613,700.
You never need to go it alone with one of our real estate pros to guide you through your journey. One of the most desirable locations in Maine, just 25 minutes from Portland and the Kittery Outlets, Wells is even more attractive these days thanks to the recent addition of a local stop on the Amtrak system. Travel to and from Boston, Hartford and Providence has never been easier, making it an ideal choice for seasonal, weekend or year-round living.
Real Estate Market Trends in Wells, ME
YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria. “Preferred” listings, or those with featured website buttons, indicate YP advertisers who directly provide information about their businesses to help consumers make more informed buying decisions. YP advertisers receive higher placement in the default ordering of search results and may appear in sponsored listings on the top, side, or bottom of the search results page.
Right now, there are 109 homes listed for sale in Wells, including 19 condos and 0 foreclosures. You can research home values, browse Wells's hottest homes, and see what Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate's agents have to say about the local... Staging your house, pricing it right, sealing the deal, and moving to your new home. You can trust our real estate pros to guide you through every step of the selling process. The structure at 1465 Post Road was built in 1920 and has been home to The Masiello Group's real estate office since 2005. Over the years, the building began to show its age and so, with heavy hearts the Masiello team came to realize that the building was beyond repair.
The Masiello Group's real estate agents have assisted with many Habitat for Humanity building projects in the past and were eager to lend a hand with the Wells ReStore pick-up. Making DIY stocking stuffers is a great way to show your love this holiday season. If you do use any of the ideas above, let us know what you think! And don't hesitate to contact us if you're still looking for a new home. Our real estate agents are focused on our local communities and know what it takes to sell your home for the most money in the least amount of time.
Plans to construct a new building on the site came to fruition, maintaining views of the peaceful Ocean View cemetery and the beautiful distant Maine seaside. Sold listings are included when representing the seller or buyer. Whether you’re seeking a single-family residence, condominium, second home or investment property, you’ll enjoy the lowest tax base in the area. You’ll also have access to highly experienced brokers with an average of 16 years of experience.
Wells, ME Residential Properties
Our team of real estate agents makes finding a home in our neighborhoods easy. Not only do we work in our local communities, we live here too. We know the right people and have the right connections to find you the right home at the right price. The first step in the sale of your home is to understand what your home could be worth. Connect with a Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate agent near you.
This town, nestled in the center of York County, is known for its lively, four seasons, downtown. Residents are proud of their community spirit and family friendly environment. Many convenient services are practically at your doorstep in Sanford, including the local hospital and the University of Southern Maine's Springvale campus. Just beyond the local area, you'll also find tranquil lakes, quaint seacoast towns, an Amtrak station in nearby Wells and a commuter friendly, 45 minute drive to Portland or Portsmouth. Community expertise is the hallmark of your Sanford experience.
Sign upfor a free online account and personalize your MLS search to find your dream home. Connect to a local Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate affiliated agent who can help you throughout the home buying process. Search the newest and complete set of MLS listings to find homes for sale.
As one of the most influential leaders in the residential real estate industry. Did you just get your license and want to work with a team of pros who can help you make your real estate business skyrocket? We have the education, training, technology, support, and staff to do just that. If that pencil has been hand-painted by someone you love, it will feel even more special.